Thursday, October 26, 2017

E00001. What's yours? - Udhaisri

What's yours - Udhaisri
                                            What's yours?

One of the oldest men on his way to spend a few days on the mountain side traveled alone and saw a sage on the way, who gave him his blessing and told him what my property would give to you. The sage who heard it said that what you gave me is enough. It is mine who is just a little bit shy. Sage said that what is said is yours. The answer to that is that of the sand and shackles of gold, diamonds, towers, and mansions, from which he will be able to see. When the sage heard it, he laughed and laughed. All you say that you give me is that you have been from the earth, and this is the thing that is meant to be the same thing that is all that is yours. This burden he has burdened me to say that I am giving you this gift. He said, Your life is not the meat that was given by God, who did not stay in the land for a while. Mind it! You are so great that you have only a great deal of charity and you have seen it and your birth and death will change your life meaning. He dropped his head on the sage's feet and took the answer.

Thank you: Udhaisri

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